Coronavirus: what do Bernard Castle, Sir Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty all have in common? It’s not an eyesight test…
I’ll start this by saying that analysis of any new info, or opinion, is always a good thing. Weigh it up, baby! Pros, cons, logic, on balance, best way forward, etc. Heart and soul. And then there’s your gut feeling. Does it look right, smell right, feel right, sound right? And then there’s conflicts of interest, biases, knee-jerk reactions, etc. Are you writing a neutral post or do you have a vested interest in what you write? If you are defending a point to the hilt and angrily so, chances are there’s a deeply rooted vested interest.
And then there’s extraneous information. When it comes to big business, which the Coronavirus is now, given the millions being pumped into vaccines, given that Bill and Melinda Gates are involved for instance, and it coming to light that there is a potential conflict of interest with Sir Patrick Vallance, Government Chief Scientfic Advisor, owning 600k shares of Glaxo Smith Kline. (And, apparently, Chris Whitty was the interim Chief of Research and Development within GSK until Patrick took over. Is it just me who would like a Government briefing to including perhaps someone *without* any former link to GSK?)